“Hockey Skirmish”
Montreal, Quebec, Canada – June 22, 2020
Sponsored by the ASEE Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
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Objective: To design and build an autonomous robot that can successfully make hockey goals with five pucks (painted wooden dowels) laid around the track while a goalie (servo mounted 3D printed panel) intermittently blocks the goal. The pucks must be delivered to the appropriate opposing team goal. The robots will have a maximum time of 120 seconds in each of their four allotted trials. The robot must begin within an 8” X 12” X 10” high size limit but may expand to any size during a trial. An Exhibit Session will precede the robot trials.
See the 2020 Official Rules for full details
- The top three teams will receive nice plaques.
- All participating team members will also receive copies of the student edition of SolidWorks.
- SolidWorks Sponsorship: If your team would like to obtain SolidWorks in advance for designing their robots, you can apply for a sponsorship (free software) at: http://www.solidworks.com/sw/education/design-competitions-mcad-students.htm – Select “Click here for team sponsorship.” Even though this competition is not in the list, you can select Other Competition.
- ASEE 2020 Rules (2-10-20) – Microsoft Word Document Format
- ASEE 2020 Rules (2-10-20) – PDF Document Format
- Check here for later revisions to the rules (if necessary)
- ASEE 2020 Goalie Resources – Instructions, CAD models, code, and video to help with creating the autonomous goalie.
Interested in learning more?
Contact us for more information or to start the enrollment process