“Robot Fishing Tournament”
Minneapolis, Minnesota – June 28, 2022
Sponsored by the ASEE Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
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Objective: To design and build an autonomous robot that can successfully gather up to 12 legal size (yellow) fish from the three blue lakes on the track and deliver them to either of two fishing stations. The lakes also contain 4 undersized (red) fish which must be left in each lake or returned to any of the lakes. The robots will have a maximum time of 120 seconds in each of their four allotted trials. The robot must begin within an 8” X 12” X 10” high size limit but may expand to any size during a trial. An Exhibit Session will precede the robot trials.
See the 2022 Official Rules for full details
- The top three teams will receive nice plaques.
- All participating team members will also receive copies of the student edition of SolidWorks.
- SolidWorks Sponsorship: If your team would like to obtain SolidWorks in advance for designing their robots, you can apply for a sponsorship (free software) at: http://www.solidworks.com/sw/education/design-competitions-mcad-students.htm – Select “Click here for team sponsorship.” Even though this competition is not in the list, you can select Other Competition.
- ASEE 2022 Rules (7-27-21) – Microsoft Word Document Format
- ASEE 2022 Rules (7-27-21) – PDF Document Format
- Check here for later revisions to the rules (if necessary)
- ASEE 2022 Track Resources – Various laser cutter, 3D printer files, etc for building the track
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Contact us for more information or to start the enrollment process